Guitars with gay flag colors

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Two guys in the upper deck saluted Hank with their Miller Lite cans throughout the entire show, which took real dedication. (And by rowdy, I mean 'already drunk and starting to sweat.')Įveryone wants to be asked if they want to drink and party while they're holding cans of overpriced cans of casino beer, especially the crowd in Durant. And by going, I mean everyone, including the 60-year-old women in Daisy Dukes and cowboy boots, was the definition of rowdy. The show opened with 'All My Rowdy Friends,' which was a very effective way to get the crowd going. Even if you don't know much of Williams' other discography, 'Are You Ready for Some Football?' is instantly recognizable by anyone who spent their Monday nights growing up watching the Cowboys play. was probably part of a lot of our childhoods. Such hopes, however, proved more fantasy than reality. There was also a naive part of me that thought he would just play the good old classics and stay away from his entirely terrible work from the last 15 or 20 years. I knew that he was an arch-conservative, a bit of a racist, and probably too old to be any good, but there is always something exhilarating about seeing and hearing songs from your childhood performed live. 75 toward Durant, part of me was excited about seeing Hank Williams Jr.

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